Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Guest Blogger: Wiley

Hello world, Wiley here. As you may know, I've been in San Francisco this week for an extended stay with the guys at 1361 Kansas Street. So, we'll start off with a picture of 136-Gay Kansas St. Boringville, CA 42069.

I thought it was going to be a really fun, sexy time here. They promised fun parties and drinking all night. Boy was I wrong!! I've yet to see an ounce of awesome party time. They won't let me drink beers. They don't even have a 30 pack of Budweisers in their fridge. All they have in there fridge are those Synergy drinks, and they won't shut the fuck up about them!

Here's Ben last night: "Owwee, my throat hurts, wah wah wah, blah owww my witttle throat is soreee, I can't smoke cigawettes".

If their not making me watch that stupid show with Doogie Howser, then their making me sit in silence and stare at them. Ben and Matt made me cover my fucking eyes when Keira Knightly got naked in a movie last night! BULL SHIT!

Plus, their world is crumbling, Billy moved out. He must have taken all the fun with him. The instant I visited him at his new house we chugged wine and smoke ciggys on his roof. He's awesome party time.

Ultimately, this is for you Chris. I'm coming home, but I'm nervous, I probably lost my tolerance here. You're going to have to help me train. I knew it would be a mistake to leave the shotgunator at home.


Chris Yarrison said...

Ben and Matt live for Doogie Howser (M.D.) dick slips. Wiley, I have 30 Budweisers with your name on them. We'll nurse you back to drinking strength even if it takes a whole hour to finish them.

ben said...

u guys think you're scrabulous, but you're not